Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Don't Box Me In

Today, I don't feel much like talking, but that's never stopped me before. I just finished explaining to co-workers my camping companieros used to play a game invented by Jazz (I think) called "I Am A Sandwich." You can play this game for a few days to while away some hot afternoons, but then you'll never want to play it again - until you do. It's completely addicting.

A person decides what kind of sandwich they are. Players get to ask questions like, "Do you contain vegetables?" and "Are you filled with cheesy goodness?" Eventually, someone guesses what kind of sandwich the first person is or was, and everyone wishes delis delivered. If yours does, chances are the low carb regimen flies out the window.

Naturally, this reminded me I have no eggplant in the fridge. I shopped. I had a list. What was I thinking?


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