Saturday, November 19, 2005

You Used To Love to Dance

The Honorable Nancy Pelosi
United States House of Representatives
2371 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-0508

My dearest Nancy,

I suppose it's my own fault for falling in love with you. You're everything to me, Nancy, everything! Your credentials are impeccable, your children are successful. People in your way have a habit of dying tragically and leaving you a voting bloc. You've bewitched me with your easy elegance and lovely smile. Your incidental resemblance to Jacklyn Zeman made me cross a room once to ask you about gay and lesbian affairs, and I've loved you from that moment to this.

After all these years, when you look deep into my eyes and talk about the Dalai Lama, torture and and wetlands restoration, my knees still go weak. When you whisper sweetly you've told Bill O'Reilly to go fuck himself, I wonder how I can ever leave you - but you didn't really tell him that, did you? With us it's all fire and sweat and chemistry, and in the heat of the moment, I lose myself in believing we're on the same side. We believe in the same things. When the heat cools, when I brush the hair from your eyes, sometimes I know you're not really with me. Maybe you've been faking it all along.

I don't know - have never known - why anyone would work so hard hiding what they are. I wrack my brain, in the darkest, loneliest nights, for an answer but I don't know why you can't be left-leaning self with me. I trace the delicate line of your shoulder as you sleep, knowing that in the pantheon of the nakedly ambitious you stand under the sign marked FIRE EXIT. Perhaps, then, it's a sign of your growth, when you couch your words so carefully I can see through them, see all the way through them, in a way you've never let me see before. Though it's heartbreaking to see the truth about us as well, I know you never meant to hurt me.

Goodbye, my darling. I'll miss you. I think.

Princess Tata


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