Friday, August 03, 2007

Friday Cat Blogging: I May Disappear Edition

Friday it is, and I'm so exhausted you can be Edgar Bergen and I'll play Charlie McCarthy.

I tossed a sheet on the floor because tossing a sheet on the floor was funny. Drusy claimed it. In fact, she promptly fell asleep and stayed there after she woke up. I wondered if she might need to see the vet, but she perked right up with a little air conditioning. Larry, the little black cat bent on stealing your soul, was largely unaffected by heat. These kittens may not be as scrappy as our departed hero, who was a rock star, you know. Here, Topaz gives Drusy an affection sneeeef! sneeeef! sneeeeef! My heart just about stopped when that terrible picture appeared in the view finder screen contraption.

Topaz, our intrepid climber, claimed this box full of Dad's spices as if she were a giant cat and the box a low-hanging tree limb, and from here stalked the nonchalant Drusy. Topaz has developed a gooey crush on Pete. Two nights ago, Pete walked through my door and before I'd even closed it behind him, Topaz was standing on his toes, exclaiming, "Ohhh, Pete! You're dreeeeeeeamy." Drusy's not taking that lying down, except that she now lies down next to Pete, rests her tiny head on his lap and looks up at him with those peculiar green eyes.

I am getting very sleepy... so sleepy... I will open a can of tuna... and another... and another... I will cluck like a chicken... I won't remember we had this little chat...

What am I doing with this can opener?

I couldn't love the kittens more. My heart would asplode. I tell them so and rub their adorable bellies. Still, I can't help thinking the recycling bin contains a few surprises.



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