Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Everywhere My Mind Describes Them To

Pete: Whatcha doin'?
Tata: Coping with anxiety through dried fruit.
Pete: Think you'll calm down when the fridge is full?
Tata: I think that's the time to buy a second fridge.

Remember our friend Woym? Yesterday, I caught the handsome kitty, stuffed him in a cat carrier, drove him to the vet, had him tested for all kinds of pesky pussycat maladies and waited with him for two hours. He nestled into my arms and shivered. Finally, he got a clean bill of health, a few more shots and my co-worker took him home. I think I should feel relieved. I found him a good home, where people will treat him like a treasure and love him as much as he can stand. Bonus: they're anxious to fill Woym with meaty treats and give him his own name. So why won't my stomach stop churning? I don't know, but lately, my answer to every question is Greek yogurt.

Disgruntled Co-Worker: I'm always hungry again at 3:30.
Tata: Have you tried Greek yogurt?

Blurting Stranger: My husband and I don't talk anymore.
Tata: Try talking about delicious Greek yogurt.

Raw Story: The National Republican Congressional Committee did not backpedal Tuesday after coming under attack for a press release calling on a U.S. general to put House Speaker Nancy Pelosi "in her place."
Tata: The NRCC obviously constipated and stuck in white, male 1956. Here in sexylicious 2009, we would all feel better with the NRCC stuffed full of creamy Greek yogurt. Like really full.

What'll I dooooooo?

I've been thinking, which is always my first mistake: I used to sit down to write PIC without any idea of what I'd write. Some of my favorite posts came from nowhere and developed naturally. Right now, I'm pressed for time and debating topics and fighting the anxiety of human frailty as winter approaches. This morning, I lay down supercool rubber flooring under my desk and set up a mini exercise cycle in my cubicle to fight stiffness, torpor and moral sloth. Maybe my mind will clear along with my sinuses after the first frost. Let's hope so. I have limited patience with my own anxiety and the clock is ticking.


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