Sunday, December 06, 2009

Perfect As the Fourth of July

Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick! Look what we found in Stop & Shop:

Panapen! That's breadfruit, and it was sitting next to a basket of sugar cane. Panapen! I almost didn't believe my eyes. I stood, rooted to the ground, trying to wrest Pete's attention from a display of organic carrots, though shouting his name didn't actually work. I may need a Nerf Pistol. Anyway, I picked a breadfruit by absolutely no criteria whatever since I'd never seen one before and dreaded the usual encounter at checkout. Last week offered a fine example.

Teenage Cashier: What're these?
Tata: Tomatillos.
TC: What?
Tata: Tomatillos.
TC: Tomatoes?
Tata: No. These are not tomatoes.
TC: They're not on my list. How much were they?
Tata: They didn't say. I'll go check again, but there was no sign.

[Musical Interlude]

Tata: Nope. Not a single sign.
TC: That's okay. We just made up a price.
Tata: How did I get so lucky?

Fortunately, our cashier was a middle aged Latina just as overjoyed to find panapen as I was, but:

Very Nice Lady: How much were they?
Tata: I didn't see a sign.
VNL: That's okay. We'll make it up.
Tata: I should buy a lottery ticket.

Daisy makes tostones de panapen. I can't wait to try it.



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