Monday, May 15, 2006

Cross Bones Style

Yesterday, I walked all over town in an effort to stimulate what's left of my metabolism. When I got to the park, I looked everywhere but there were few other visitors. I got a screwy idea: maybe I could sort of kind of possibly try running a few feet. Since I retired from gymnastics twenty-six years ago, I've been able to run maybe three steps before I hear popping sounds in my ankles that sound like small caliber weapons fire, and I stop running. What the hell, I decided, it's an occasion.

So, I leaned forward and started running. I love the sensations: the freedom, the temporary and almost imperceptable escapes from gravity. After the first four or five steps I didn't hear the usual pop! pop! so I ran on the paved path past a dumpster, then past another, then past a garbage can, then toward the weeds. Then I stopped because I still felt good and I'd run about a hundred yards farther than I thought I ever would again. I was thrilled! I giggled like an idiot for the next half-hour. Then I saw a duck swimming around in a puddle on the road and turned back toward town because I had never seen a duck swimming in a puddle on the road.

I've got another screwy idea: maybe I could sort of kind of possibly try running again. Just a few feet. Not very far. Still - yesterday I didn't know I could run at all. As life lessons go, this one arrives right between the eyes.


Blogger Blogenfreude said...

At least you did it in the right order ... walk, then run, then ...

12:51 PM  
Blogger Tata said...

...then avoid the duck, yes.

2:03 PM  

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